I am considering using Builders Bog to repair small chips in ceramic tiles.
Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/14/2022 - 16:46

I am considering using Builders Bog to repair small chips in ceramic tiles. Largest is about the size of a 10 cent piece and maybe 1 mm deep. Others are tiny. Can I use BB for this? If so, is it possible to colour the BB to match the tile prior to using? Thanks for your advice.

Gerard Lazzaro, 22.4.2013

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/14/2022 - 16:47


Thank you for considering our product. Builders Bog sets no harder than timber, so I feel it will probably be too soft to repair ceramic tiles – depending on he forces and wear the repair will be subjected to. You would also have to obtain white BPO hardener paste in order to match colours. Builder’s Bog is supplied with red hardener in order to ensure thorough mixing always takes place. I feel you would be better off starting with a white marine-grade filler designed to repair boat gel coats etc. These are also polyester putties, but sets much harder and uses colourless MEKP liquid hardener. A ships chandlery or boat shop should stock one.

Stuart Jordan
Managing Director, Chemical Specialties Ltd.