What product do you suggest to repair/fill a small car door hole and dents?
Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/14/2022 - 16:32

Hi. What product do you suggest to repair/fill a small car door hole and dents? I have builders bog but I guess that is not recommended?


Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/14/2022 - 16:32


Thank you for your email. You are correct that Builder’s Bog is not the correct material for car body dents. It is specifically formulated to react with and stick to timber cellulose and sets no harder than timber. So adhesion to steel is not optimal. And it is not really tough enough for a car paint finish.

Our Turbo Body filler in 500 m and 1 litre sizes is the correct product to use, available in NZ but not in Australia. I cannot tell which country you are in from your email.


Stuart Jordan
Managing Director
Chemical Specialties Ltd.